Consistory President, James E. Foster, Sr., offers a welcoming and introductory address to guests and participants of UCC Christ Church’s Homecoming Event.
“Welcome Home Christ Church family, friends and guests.
‘Welcome Home’ is one of the warmest phrases a person can hear. Today it is my honor and great pleasure to welcome you to Homecoming at Christ Church. In this our 120th year of ministry, we have much to remember and reflect on in the life of this great church. We also have current work and a future vision to look forward to as our church strives to be a relevant presence here in Norristown and the changing world we live in. We are a church working hard to reconnect with our church family and find meaningful ways to serve others as Jesus would have us do.
You and your family have celebrated many rites of passage by the sacraments in our worship space. Some have shared in the educational experience of our Sunday school, some have met and felt the presence of God at the altar, some have been baptized and confirmed here and some have professed their love in lifetime commitment or buried a love one. Our church has been a gathering place for prayer and worship and today we celebrate our heritage.
Whether you currently call Christ Church your home church or you did at some time in the past you know that this is a special place where God is worshiped. Today we hope that you will be reminded of the people, events and memories created here at Christ Church.
We are honored to welcome home today three former pastors who faithfully served Christ Church
Reverend Robert Reiff and wife Betty - 1978-1986 Reverend Martha Boyer and Husband David and son Andrew- 1992-2001 Reverend Frank Mckenzie – 2002-2010 Joining us today on behalf Reverend Victor Vogle: Son Timothy Vogel and wife Brenda and son Donovan Also with us this morning is Christ Church favored son, Reverend Robert Naylor
I am so pleased and excited that each of you have joined our celebration this morning. I know that each of you had a profound and lasting impact on many members during your time with us. Many fond memories and stories are recalled during church gatherings.
I would also like to recognize:
Irma Johnson; Pastor Jeff’s wife Melanie Eberhard; Director of Music Ministries Donna Mosebach; Director of Christian Education J P Galib; Choir Support Bass Clifford Bechtel; Choir Support Tenor
Thank you for all you do for Christ Church.
From a small group of believers that felt called to start a church in this neighborhood 120 years ago, to all those who have been a part of this church through the years and to those who currently serve here the mission remains the same.
Worship God Preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ Realize Christian fellowship and unity within this church and the church universal Render loving service toward mankind And, strive for righteousness, justice and peace
Welcome home.”