2018 Community-Connection Masthead

Sunday Worship Service: 10:30 AM
Adult Sunday School - 9:30 AM every Sunday
Bible Study - 7:00 PM every Tuesday
Youth Sunday School: 9:30 AM
Office Hours: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM (Weekdays)

2020 cantata Gabriel Faure Requiem

Chancel Choir: Worship is at the heart of what we do. The Chancel Choir, under the direction of Melanie Eberhard, provides weekly opportunities for musical worship at the 10:45 AM service. Our rehearsals are on Thursday evenings from 7:30 - 8:45 PM, in Steinbright Hall, September through May. A core of experienced singers in each section gives support to the beginning or hesitant singer among us. We invite you to join our musical family any time. Feel free to speak with Melanie at the organ console if you are interested in giving our group a try. Membership at Christ Church is not necessary

Jubilation Ringers: Welcome to the intergenerational English handbell choir under the direction of Melanie Eberhard. We are a group of diverse ages and abilities. This is the place to make music with your dad, mom, grandma, grandpa, son, daughter, etc. We play between level two to level three in difficulty depending on the number and skill of ringers available.

Our rehearsals are held in Steinbright Hall, Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 7:20 pm, September through May.

Some of our ringers belong to other church communities, and we are willing to plan our five or so performance dates to not conflict with major religious celebrations. We also take our repertoire to a nursing home community once a year. In the Spring, we visited Parkhouse Geriatric and Rehabilitation Center in Royersford. Visitors are welcome to give it a one-rehearsal-no-strings-attached-spin-around-the-block try. Just let the church office or Melanie know, so we can have a ringing station with music ready for you.  Photos

We prepare two contatas a year accompanied by a professional instrumental ensemble. Our first cantata is presented around Christmas and the second shortly after Easter. We rehearse approximately eight weeks before our worship presentation, Thursday evenings from 7:30 to 8:00 PM in Steinbright Hall. You do not need to be a member of Chancel Choir to participate in a cantata. Rehearsal CD’s are available as well as private practice sessions with the Director, Melanie Eberhard. Let us know if you have an interest in joining for one or both cantatas.

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Christ Church - United Church of Christ
1003 West Marshall Street - Norristown, PA 19401-4218
Office: 610-275-3092  Fax: 610-275-0438
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