2018 Community-Connection Masthead

norristown hospitality center logo

The Norristown Hospitality Center is, and has been, a constant presence in our community bringing food, clothing and, more importantly, hope to those who need help and encouragement. Basic needs to survive are supplied to many from the Center. The Hospitality Center has served as many as 1,890 breakfasts and operates six days a week. They have provided 170 hot showers, distributed 132 toiletry kits and 60 pairs of socks. Their needs are constantly changing and they look to our community for help collecting the things that they need to keep their doors open. The Hospitality Center operates entirely on donations from the community.

You can learn more about the Hospitality Center and their needs
from their website at http://www.hospitalitycenter.org


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Christ Church - United Church of Christ
1003 West 4arshall Street - Norristown, PA 19401-4218
Office: 610-275-3092  Fax: 610-275-0438
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